Edmund McMillen Reveals The Real Reason Binding of Isaac Isn’t On Ubuntu
Seems Ubuntu has an ethics problem.
Seems Ubuntu has an ethics problem.
Skyrim's "Ultimate HD Fire" mod makes fire spells look better. Watch the clip to see the difference.
Some people are so hard up becoming Prestige Masters and being feared, they even buy Black Ops 2 accounts!
It's another example of filmmakers realizing the harsh reality of today's consumers, yet also having faith in them.
Should come to console "sometime soon".
Time discover how video games were like for your dad.
And who says Capcom doesn't care about Mega Man fans?
But can you tell what's different?
The new publication hopes to continue the beloved publication's legacy.
Yet another reason why 2012 has not been the best of years for the company.
It's perfect for old school fans who also love chunky polygons in general.
Their advice is sound, but it ruins one of the best parts of the holidays.
If you have something that can run downloadable games, then Sega has something for you, pretty much.
Out of the blue comes a chance to get save big on ACIII& ACIII: Liberation.
Truly, a global enterprise is best.
Black Isle Studios isn't happy about suggestions that no one donate to their questionable crowdfunding drive.
Here are the list of Assignments that will go with BF3's End Game expansion! Plus, your first look at CTF!
Expect additional perks like bonus character slots.
With the vast power of the GlassBox Engine, DRM a must, she says.
Sony has patented a technology allowing the next-generation PS4 to switch between two architecturally distinct GPUs.
Battlefield 3's Premium-only video for End Game has made its way online! Go watch it now before it's yanked!
Still on the fence whether to buy Assassin's Creed 3's Season Pass? Maybe the official trailer will change your mind.
Ubisoft is allegedly in talks now as we speak in order to buy THQ or some of its assets...
Dead Space 3's Achievements/Trophy list just got outed, but be prepared for spoilers when reading through 'em.