Nintendo Launches Pokédex App for iOS
Nintendo goes hogwild with Apple's app store.
Nintendo goes hogwild with Apple's app store.
The upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii U will have DLC.
The German version of PSM3 has listed a few details about the PS4...
Treyarch is working on new game modes for Black Ops 2! Call of Duty Elite app now out for iOS and Android devices.
Borderlands 2 gets expanded yet again with the introduction of a new DLC.
IO Interactive has released Hitman: Absolution's launch trailer and it shows Agent 47 what he does best...
Black Ops 2 is the biggest, and most successful entertainment launch of 2012.
Catch a glimpse of Epic Mickey 2 in these new screenshots.
There's a problem with music licensing.
Your choices will have consequences in Epic Mickey 2.
Conan's at it again, this time with the newest Hitman game.
Those who pay above the average will receive the extra five games.
Justin Success-Brooks simply didn't know when to quit and is now paying the price.
Right before the Wii U comes out, the Wii gets a YouTube app.
Why? Because he states: "With great freedom, comes great responsibility."
Commenters are baffled at Halo 4's missed chance for Game of the Year.
The DLC will be free for two weeks after it becomes available.
EA had to receive a rating of 100% to make the list
Why pay full price, or even more on Craigslist, when you can nab the console for just ten cans of non-perishable food?