Black Ops 2 Level Progression Unlock Guide
Want to know what and when you'll unlock stuff in Black Ops 2's multiplayer? We're here to help you out plan your loadouts as you progress.
Want to know what and when you'll unlock stuff in Black Ops 2's multiplayer? We're here to help you out plan your loadouts as you progress.
Frank "has head problems", and that's all we know.
While individual games might have their own accomplishment systems, there will be no "trophies" or "achievements" system wide.
Capcom has released a four-minute gameplay clip for DmC that showcases the "Honest Truths" stage.
The story will continue in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Black Ops 2 get its first-ever review! But only for the single-player campaign...
Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has stated that "another console" is set to challenge the Wii U next year, but didn't divulge which one.
Mostly bug fixes, but a few minor additions too.
Baca's defeat this week was yet another victory for gamers.
To quote a very wise person (from the internet): haters gonna hate.
Want to nab the Raider helmet in Halo 4? We got you covered...
It's yet another component of the Wii U social experience that we finally have more details about.
Black Ops 2 will offer exclusive weapon camos for Call of Duty Elite members. The game will also be getting a day one update...
Shrinking, Shrinking, Shrinking, Shrinking, Shrieking
Mass Effect 3: Special Edition gets a trailer
These guys do have a point...
Game developers will vote on their favorite game of the year
Play Halo forever, get a few Microsoft points
I mean seriously, what the hell Capcom?
Black Ops 2 will offer a new intelligent spawning system to cut down on spawn campers.
Agent 47 might just be the ultimate assassin and this trailer shows you why...
Pier Solar HD's Kickstarter needs your help!