Bigpoint Lays Off 120+ Game Developers, Shutters US Studio
Battlestar Galactica Online developer axes 120+ employees.
Battlestar Galactica Online developer axes 120+ employees.
Many developers have lost their jobs at Zynga today.
Many changes are coming to the Ghost perk in Black Ops 2.
Microsoft's companion application is due for arrival on October 26, first for Windows 8 tablets.
A new app featuring stuff from Black Ops 2 is now available on the iOS.
A DLC exclusive to the PlayStation 3 version of Assassin's Creed 3 has been announced.
DICE has outlined what Battlefield 3 Premium members can expect for October.
Here's Medal of Honor Warfighter's single-player launch trailer.
Tim Schafer has expressed his views against laying off developers as soon as a project is done.
Epic Games has announced that it has signed its first long-term licensee for Unreal Engine 4 with Square Enix!
A map which offended the sensibilities of some has returned to rotation.
Microsoft has released the latest trailer for Forza Horizons...
Assassin's Creed 3's "The Tyranny of King Washington" won't be part of the series' cannon, aimed to be a little less "serious" experience.
EA's FPS bet for the year gets a massive day one patch ahead of release!
This might be one of the most bang-for-your-buck Collector's Edition ever...
Sony's ensemble fighter gets a live-action trailer.
Epic Games' former employee seems to be looking at his options
EA and Slim Jim team up to give you free stuff
One guy claims he's already started the line
Lots of news on the GoW Ascension front
Via the iTunes Store, Amazon's MP3 Store, and Google Play.
By inserting its cast into Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Graveyard.sav turns Borderlands 2 into Dear Esther