The Vita continues to struggle in Japan
The last numbers are in, and they're the lowest yet
The last numbers are in, and they're the lowest yet
Everything from what's necessary to complete objects, to ways to blow off steam
Over a breach of contract, stemming from an unreleased iOS game.
According to 100,000 Live users who tuned in last night, via their Xbox 360s.
Games industry analyst Michael Pachter says GTA 5 will be out before March.
The Claptrap from the first Borderlands is in the sequel. Here's how to find him.
The voice actor of Sgt. Frank Woods dissects the game's trailers.
Nintendo is not offering GameCube backwards compatibility with the Wii U and here's the reason why.
Agent 47 can don a dress in Hitman: Absolution...but only if you want to.
Giant Sparrow takes us through The Unfinished Swan's art and design and how it came to be...
The medieval first-person action game is now available on Steam.
Q Entertainment boss Tetsuya Mizuguchi leaves games development for a teaching post at a Japanese university.
Horror game Deadly Premonition coming to the PS3 at long last...
The latest patch for Diablo 3 adds a host of new features including Monster Power and the Infernal Machine event.
Resident Evil 6's first-ever event for is officially underway.
While the game's existence hasn't been confirmed, here's the Trophy list for Hitman's HD Collection.
BioWare has revealed a weapon pack for Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.
Treyarch has released Black Ops 2's launch trailer and it shows one set-piece to another...
Time travel is alluded to in the leaked achievements for Black Ops 2.
Ubisoft announced the creation of a map and texture pack for Minecraft inspired by the Far Cry 3 universe.
A newly released trailer for Assassin's Creed 3 provides an in-depth look into the game's multiplayer modes.
Microsoft has just laid off a number of Lionhead on for details.
EA has released Medal of Honor Warfighter's TV spot and it shows you just how capable Tier 1 Operators are.