Run a Bukkit/Tekkit Server? Try HalloweenScares for some creepy fun
What's all this moaning?
What's all this moaning?
Square Enix believes this version is more similar to FF
Obsidian answers fan questions on Project Eternity
Valve and the VZBV hash out their legal issues over Steam
Splinter Cell Echoes gets a brief announcement trailer
Gaming site reminds us that some of the Omega DLC was already on ME3 once
Remember Guillermo Del Toro's inSane for THQ? It's not dead just yet! Read on for more...
Concept art taken from Valve's wall points to Stars of Barathrum as being under development...
Game Informer has debunked claims that they have seen a Grand Theft Auto 5 demo and know its release window.
Danger Close has rolled out an update for the Medal of Honor Warfighter Xbox 360 beta. If you also want to see gameplay not centered on Sarajevo Stadium you're in luck!
Riot Games has released a rather very impressive set of stats for League of Legends.
A new update on the development of Wasteland 2 reveals the developers' love for the Unity engine.
The second chapter of the Forward Unto Dawn series is out.
IO Interactive released a new video for Hitman: Absolution where they unbox the Deluxe Professional Edition.
Firaxis's newest title can be made a lot easier with super soldiers.
BioWare's Mike Gamble has revealed the first details for Mass Effect 3's Omega DLC.
A newly released video from Activision shows off quite a bit about one of the game's new features.
Ubisoft has released the latest trailer for ZombiU and we get to see the GamePad used to great effect once again...
Danger Close has released yet another video in its SEAL Team 6 Combat Training videos. This time, it's for breaching doors.
Criterion blows the lids on Need for Speed's multiplayer.
Nintendo's in a good place with sales right now