Medal of Honor Warfighter’s Latest Trailer is an Awareness Test, Doesn’t Make Much Sense
EA has released another trailer for Medal of Honor Warfighter and this one focus on football?! Yep, read on to find out.
EA has released another trailer for Medal of Honor Warfighter and this one focus on football?! Yep, read on to find out.
With triple A games like L.A. Noire and Red Dead Redemption, it's at least worth a look
Blizzard Entertainment also takes home some awards
Starting to seem like security breaches are just something every company has to go through
Microsoft continues the tradition of dropping lots of dough on Halo trailers
Pachter speaks his mind on those who were vocal about BioWare
Looks like our guess was right
Dishonored's co-director Harvey Smith reveals that no one at Bethesda ever pressured them to add multiplayer in Dishonored.
DICE is rolling out an update for Battlefield 3, and one of the fixes is the knife takedown glitch. BF3 fans, rejoice!
Borderlands 2's next major expansion has its details leaked via the Mechromancer class update. Read on for details.
David Vonderhaar weighs in on all the people lambasting Call of Duty's engine.
Square Enix has released a new video feature for Hitman: Absolution and it shows us how the mo-cap and voice-acting was made in the game.
Bioware has just launched a new gameplay tracking site for Mass Effect 3.
The presence of the Volus in Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is explained.
A new trailer for Bioshock Infinite its on its way.
A new game from The Game Atelier has just been released.
The third delivery of the Zombie Bus for the Zombie Mode in BLOPS2 has arrived.
DICE has hidden a real egg as an Easter egg in Battlefield 3's Armored Kill expansion.
EA has revealed that the limited edition of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel will give you access to the TAH-9 fully-automatic handgun.
Want to play God of War: Ascension's single-player demo? If so, you'll have to buy the Total Recall Blu-ray.
The developers of Halo 4 have put up a video walkthrough of the new Forge mode.
GameStop's Medal of Honor Warfighter TV spot just got released...