Did You Know You Can Turn Your Magic: The Gathering Cards Into a Turing Machine?
File under: useless but awesome.
File under: useless but awesome.
Additional Layton story details emerge.
Kinect modder creates visual keyboard for his impaired mother.
Is a Bioshock movie ever going to happen? Who knows, but this fake trailer is great.
EA is not safe from trolling, it seems.
A new video of Halo 4 showcases the player going on a killing frenzy.
Steam Greenlight promotes ten new games to the greenlit section.
That, or clothing line Trapstar is just displaying an utter lack of self-awareness.
Recent job ads posted by Kojima Productions states that they're hiring for multiplayer developers. Multiplayer in MGS: Ground Zeroes confirmed? Sure seems like it.
Is anyone else getting the feeling these name strings are reaching "shonen anime" levels of incomprehensibility?
2D mining/crafting adventure game is PSN, XBLA bound.
Bohemia Interactive producer Jan Kunt thinks it would be stupid not to release ArmA mod DayZ on consoles.
Good Old Games is giving away two free games for anyone who fills out a survey.
Fan recreates entirety of FF7 in LittleBigPlanet2, struggles to play it.
Upcoming American McGee action-RPG is free to play, beta sign-ups open now.
It's basically Spore for the Vita! But free!
Capcom has confirmed post-launch support for Resident Evil 6! Read on for the game mode details.
Sony is set to show off its prototype AR head-mounted display at TGS!
High Moon Studios has released a new trailer and details for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron's DLC packs.
Black Ops 2's newest video pats itself on the back...a lot!
Capcom has confirmed that EX Troopers won't be coming to the West.