PSN Maintenance Scheduled for September 10
Want to play online using your PS3 on September 10th? You'd better log-on now to be able to!
Want to play online using your PS3 on September 10th? You'd better log-on now to be able to!
Infinity Ward has announced a double XP event for Modern Warfare 3! Who's game?
This year it won't be Sony, someone from Square or even Nintendo taking to the stage, it's none other than social gaming company GREE!
FIFA 13 skills guide teaches players to perform world class old or new dribbling skills in-game to give them an extra edge and flair over their opponents.
Square Enix comments on its own cloud-based gaming service Core Online.
The creator of the PS Vita hack stands against piracy, claims his program can't be used to load pirated games.
Gearbox's upcoming FPS Borderlands 2 is on sale for the lowest price you can get it for.
The Black Ops studio is uninvolved with the development of the PS Vita spinoff.
IO Interactive has released another video for its ICA Files series and this time, a known actor's involved.
Kojima has revealed the box art for the Zone of the Enders HD Collection.
If you're expecting a Wii U version of Skyrim or any of Bethesda's games, you might be in for a long wait.
Sony Santa Monica's God of War panel at PAX shows what Kratos would look like with hair.
Borderlands 2 is now the most pre-ordered game in 2K UK history!
A host of new details about Halo 4 surfaces.
Firaxis has released a new six-minute gameplay walkthrough of XCOM's reboot.
Ubisoft has released the US TV commercial for Assassin's Creed 3 and in it, we get to see Connor be an integral part of the American Revolution.
Most games aren't confident, says Total War dev.
Valve a great place to work? Sounds like somebody is pulling my leg!
Studio counter-sues plaintiff, claiming she deliberately sabotaged game's release.
Introduces player-created items for EverQuest, Vanguard, Free Realms, eventually Planetside 2.
Games "don't need to rely so much on white males for mass appeal," says creative director.
All new mechanics take gameplay from macro to micro.