Mass Effect + YouTube Audio Transcription = Hilarity
Who would have thought?
A botter in Diablo 3 talks about his ongoing operation and discloses how much he's made so far.
This rundown of the Halo Array will provide you with everything you need to know about the massive superstructures.
New mod lets you play GTA IV as Portal 2's Atlas and P-Body.
Book is downloadable from a variety of sources.
The indie developer is currently offering bonuses for every t-shirt order.
Producer Tanya Jessen does not confirm this but says Fortnite is a "co-op experience primarily."
Wizkid's Heroclix releases an Assassin's Creed version of the miniature tabletop series.
No word on whether he'll be using two turntables and a microphone.
Colorado has never looked so cool.
Indie hit Minecraft is not just a hit Mon the PC, but on the Xbox 360, too! It has now crossed over three million units in sales!
Anticipating Bethesda's Dishonored? Why not watch a fake, but brilliantly-made trailer.
Gearbox has confirmed that Borderlands 2 is now headed to certification! Now the studio's working on post-launch content.
Gamescom's own people confirms that GTA V won't make an appearance at the event.
Sony Santa Monica says that its upcoming prequel to the God of War series will not contain any violence against women.
Nintendo says being the first to market isn't as important as being different.
EA says the addition of cooperative gameplay in Dead Space 3 is designed to address the game being too scary to play alone.
A buggy patch for XBLA game Fez has been re-released after developers decided it wasn't worth the money to fix the issues people had.
A new video showing the first two levels of the tutorial in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance shows the blade mode and quite a bit more...
A rumour has surfaced saying that Nintendo are trying to barter back one of the best loved franchises, as well as the studio that made it.