Street Fighter Monopoly Revealed
One board game sure to end with punching
Avalanche Studios has put up a new website to reflect upon its expanded growth.
With the Japanese release date announcement, Tecmo Koei has also released a host of videos and screenshots for the game.
Sales of Sony's PlayStation Vita exceeds the company's expectations.
Want to raffle off your Mass Effect 3 Space Edition? Not so fast -- you're probably committing a felony.
The internet got excited for about 30 minutes yesterday when it was discovered that Square had registered the website
Justin Bieber's lawyers didn't like "Joustin' Beaver," a parody of their client so they sent a cease and desist order. The developers claim this is an attempt to deny their first amendment rights and have filed suit themselves.
Users are reporting that their old EA Steam games are suddenly popping up on Origin.
Quite surprisingly, Jack Tretton divulges that Sony can hardly keep up with the demand for PSPs and PlayStation 2
The PlayStation TV, which bragged a fairly decent price (for a Sony), 3D display and a unique SimulView feature, hasn't sold millions upon millions of units, but Sony are proud of it nonetheless.
Study raises concern over a focus on violent aspects.
The studio is hiring programmers for an unannounced next-gen title.
Looks like you'll be doing quite a bit more than just wandering through desert ruins.
Provided the leak is legitimate, we can expect to see the game in stores on November 21, 2012.
Expect the sequel to feature more personal stories and authentic action sequences.
This is why they don't make video games about Chuck Norris.
The Journey and Flower developer no longer wants to create PlayStation exclusives.
The next-gen engine will make a closed-door debut at next week's conference.
People love pay-what-you-want bundles, so why not?