First The Last of Us Screenshots Released
The three screens reveal what we can expect gameplay to look like. Spoiler alert: It's pretty.
The three screens reveal what we can expect gameplay to look like. Spoiler alert: It's pretty.
300 Club Nintendo points nets you two games during the month of February.
Some aspects of the game needed to be toned down to meet stricter classification guidelines.
Max celebrates site redesigns the way he celebrates everything else: with booze, pills, and a massive gun.
This iOS game uses tweets of real-life events to generate in-game obstacles.
Here's a rundown of every gun in BioWare's hotly anticipated action RPG sequel, complete with details on how you'll be able to make them better.
Seven new publishers, led by Remedy Entertainment, will have their games sold through EA's Origin platform.
Infinity Ward has revealed via Twitter that the first DLC for Modern Warfare 3 will be made available by the end of the month for PS3 players.
Ubisoft has revealed the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Boxarts for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
Oh, RedLynx. Can't you go a single day without leaking anything?
A brand new trailer of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier shows off the gameplay for the first time ever.
EA will make an announcement about the game's next expansion at a special event in New York.
Welcome to the future. The skin rendering technology you see in these videos may soon become commonplace in videogames.
The self-published PC release of Alan Wake is no longer a Steam exclusive.
Some concept artwork and 3D models for a possible Valve project that was scrapped has been revealed.
Ubisoft warns that the multiplayer modes of many of its games will be affected when the company takes down its servers next week to relocate them.
Housemarque's strategic physics puzzle game hits the app store.
Konami's popular soccer franchise gets the 3D treatment.
A new update for Tribes: Ascend adds class customization, a new UI, and a host of new classes.
Mass Effect 3's multiplayer demo will require a gold membership on Xbox Live.
A new trailer for Operation Raccoon City shows off the game's playable characters.