Minecraft Creator Speaks: “No sane person can be for SOPA”
Notch speaks out against SOPA.
Notch speaks out against SOPA.
Red 5 Studios openly opposes SOPA.
Diablo III has been cleared for release in South Korea by the country's ratings board.
NVIDIA declares that it does not support SOPA.
GSC Game World's death has been greatly exaggerated. They're alive, but they need help.
DICE plans to deal with cheaters in Battlefield 3 by letting players report them.
Would you look at that - not all members of Congress are evil wizards who can barely work the internet! U.S. Congressman and League of Legends player Jared Polis has urged online gamers to oppose SOPA.
How Fifa Street fell off the rails and how EA Canada are fixing it for their next outing, coming this March.
Early titles might have had a focus on playing online with friends, but the Vita version of Modnation Racers drops infrastructure features.
Jealous that PS3 Users are currently playing Stranger's Wrath while you sit at your 360, cold and alone? Blame Microsoft, who don't believe you should be allowed the HD Oddworld title.
Get ready to re-experience how it all began as Killzone comes to the PlayStation Store in the US.
I suppose it's a bit optimistic to hope it'll include an easy mode.
The League of Legends developer has become the largest gaming company to publicaly oppose the bills.
There's a growing trend of Old Republic users changing their loading screen. Bioware isn't going to ban you for it, but warn that you change the game files at your own risk.
Skyrim has made a huge impact on gamers everywhere, not least on PC gamers. But is it still holding their attention?
The first footage of the new system's AR capabilities is out. It's nothing revolutionary, but it's a fairly clever implementation of the technology.
But hey, chin up. There's a new trailer, too!
The two companies have announced a partnership that brings cloud gaming to Google's Internet TV service.
The fast food joint is partnering with Sony to offer three different ways to win the handheld before it hits stores.
The 'Eagle Eye' feature can be disabled playing in these modes.
The new year hasn't brought good news for Sony's new handheld.
You got Amalur in my Mass Effect! You got Mass Effect in my Amalur!