Diablo Devs Looking for Another Console Developer
The not yet official port of Diablo 3 to consoles may not yet have actually been announced, but they're definitely hiring enough staff for it.
The not yet official port of Diablo 3 to consoles may not yet have actually been announced, but they're definitely hiring enough staff for it.
Free-to-play just wouldn't work for such a major game, it would appear, according to Bioware.
Chinese developer Snail Games proves that people will buy things that don't exist in a game that they've never played - I have an opera house in Sydney they can buy.
Buying one of the copies from the first run of Twisted Metal will net you a digital copy of Twisted Metal Black
There have been a lot of rumours about Half-Life 3 lately and, in this industry, there is usually no smoke without fire. Valve just called in the fire brigade.
A bunch of writers yammer on about all the stuff that happened in video games in 2011.
Vita sales are down 78% over launch. Does this mean Sony's new handheld is a flop?
An ex-Konami employee has won her lawsuit against Konami over alleged maternity leave discrimination.
The Zybourne Clock - a game concept that never was, but will live forever. The Zybourne Clock is possibly the best example of people putting more effort into parodies than into the actual product itself - and really, the results are hilarious.
Don’t have enough money for a new Xbox 360? Want it right now? Why don’t you just print your own money? ...Oh, it’ll get you arrested. Right.
16 hours in one session doesn’t seem like much when it comes to games like Skyrim, but when it comes to DDR it’s a little different and could possibly kill you or cause serious injury. A 17 year old stared cardiac arrest in the face, however, and said ‘bring it.’
GoDaddy is pretty much one of the biggest super villains on the internet right now thanks to their support for SOPA. Despite backtracking and pulling their support for the act recently, websites big and small are moving their domains - including Imgur.
A modder has made a new mod that make bears hilarious. The mod makes the bears in the game say clever things in an autotuned voice
A modder has created a mod to add a laugh track to Skyrim for when you fail at something. The one time a laugh track actually makes you laugh!
The new blog will be a sister site to The Verge, a tech site founded by ex-Engadget editors.
This Skyrim mod will make the water sound better than it ever has.
Usually, I really hate talented people because they make me wish I’d done something with my life. That being said, an exception can be made for console modder Tchay, who’s made a portable Gamecube that’s so magnificent that it even has it’s own music video.
You probably remember the Left 4 Dead fan film we posted not too long ago, which started off accurate and ended up like some kind of deranged fanfiction.
While Saints Row: The Third for PC is a considerable improvement from the poor quality Saints Row 2 port, it’s not entirely without problems. Seems like there are some graphical issues that can arise when you go outside.
Sales prove that no matter how much you polish a sequel, the old adage stays true. Fool me once, Square, shame on you, fool me twice...
For the vast majority of us, this will only mean slight jealousy, but Japanese 3DS users currently have access to 3DS retail demos.
Hideo Koijma manages to remember a major life event that happened a whole thirteen years ago - all while chewing gum and looking out the window.
While the story of Ocean Marketing and their unacceptable treatment of a customer is developing, it’s become apparent that this isn’t their first offence.
There are few things quite as entertaining as a PR nightmare, especially when the PR rep on the other end is behaving like 15 year old child.