Three guys Recreated the First Level of ‘Super Mario Land’ Using 18 Million Minecraft Blocks
Well, this is certainly something.
Well, this is certainly something.
I love Sweden, don’t you? The Swedish Media Council have carried out a report that they say proves ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ that video games actually don’t make kids violent.
Good news for Final Fantasy fans! Final Fantasy VI is coming to the PSN this week.
A set of statistics from Heavy Rain, statistics which prove they should probably have continued making DLC and filled a few of those plot holes
The Old Republic breaks records with its highly successful beta, tempting Americans to trade in their turkey for a little lightsabre action
Tomb Raiding, Cool Boarding and a host of discounts - PlayStation Plus subscribers have a pretty good month
And the little game that nobody loved grew up to be available at a reduced subscription in the new year.
2011 is almost over and the majority of games to be released this year have come and gone. Time for Google Trend to do its stuff and show what people are excited for.
If you’re looking to help out some people who need it and want to help support indie developers, now is a good time to get shopping.
It looks as though Sony will be trying to tap into the family market next year.
While scientists recently found that 99% of living creatures love Mario, Rayman Origins Creator Michel Ancel is the 1%
Star Wars: The Old Republic beta testing has finished up with a sweet rave party, with lightsabres proving to be the ultimate glow sticks.
While the statement from Team Ico's Lead Designer doesn't deny that he's left Sony, it does allege that the game is still on track for eventual release.
Tac Lights, heaps of rebalancing, and all new maps have been added into the upcoming Battlefield 3 patch.
A 73-year-old pensioner from Serbia talks about his love of videogames.
Here's what Shenmue would look like if it ran on the PC.
Though they emphasized that "core gamer will absolutely not be neglected."
The creator of the Dead or Alive series explains, perhaps only half-jokingly, how Dead or Alive helped people enjoy "that sort of thing" without the shame of having to buy it.
Another nine pack of Queen hits, including Don't Stop Me Now and Radio Ga Ga, to hit the Rock Band platform this week.