New 1.1 Terraria Trailer
Featuring scaaaary new boss battles!
Brendan McNamara, the controversial writer and director of L.A. Noire, has signed for a project that will be titled - wait for it - Whore of the Orient.
Remember that sex ed game that scrapped for release on Xbox 360 because of it’s overtly sexual content called Privates? You might be surprised to learn it won a BAFTA.
Despite a lot of bad news for developers coming out of Australia recently, there’s some good news from 2K Games Australia - they’re working on Bioshock Infinite.
A South Korean law banning children under the age of 16 from playing online after midnight has gone into effect.
Nintendo and a number of third-party developers are being sued over motion-control exercise games.
It has been confirmed that the Vita will definitely not support PS1 games at launch
Strap yourself in for another Lego game - this time Batman brings a few famous friends
No word on the fireman's poles just yet, but early reports are hopeful...
I've never caused injury to another shopper while in the pursuit of a deal, but I have given people some pretty nasty looks over the years
The game nobody admits to knowing exists has now got some screenshots, details and David Jaffe Commentary.
Sweet baby jesus! Do you like music? Do you like games? Do you like when the two join in a mishmash of awesome? You can currently grab 10 albums of indie game music for just one dollar.
This side-by-side look at both games shows just how much we have to look forward to in Rockstar's next crime opus.
Those of us with old hardware won't be left in the cold any longer. Or will, I guess, since it snows an awful lot in Skyrim.
If you've been suffering a low or unstable framerate in your PC copy of Arkham City, odds are good that DirectX 11 is to blame.
A bar in the UK has launched what it says is the world’s first pee-controlled video games for pubs. Seriously.
One in three adults over 65 will have a fall resulting in serious injury this year, but motion games may be able to change that.
I fought in the console wars, kid. That’s how I got this scar - those cartridges packed a punch back in the day.
You know what my favourite part of Skyrim was? The part where it taught me to perform all those homoerotic sex maneuvers.
Games containing gratuitous violence and terrorist attacks are bad for everybody. Violent video games make violent people. These are scientific facts.