Watch Act of Valor Trailer, Get BF3 Dogtags
Thanks to a collaboration between EA and Relativity Media, you can unlock a set of new dogtags by watching this three minute trailer.
Thanks to a collaboration between EA and Relativity Media, you can unlock a set of new dogtags by watching this three minute trailer.
The HD Collection in January, Book of Memories in February, and Downpour in March
Rumours are bound to surround as big a game as GTA V, especially when we know very, very little about it. This one has some clout behind it though...
At 1.5 Million Facebook Likes, the Resident Evil page will reveal something they've been working on as
A visual comparison of how the Orcs, Khajiit and Argonians in Skyrim now properly reflect their mythology in Skyrim.
After complaints that the shooting is handled oddly in Uncharted 3, the developers explain exactly why that would be and why it isn't a bad thing
Max Payne is bald in some screenshots and has hair in others. It's like Max Payne Hair Roulette.
Race against your friends in Need for Speed: The Run's online multiplayer mode.
Eighty percent of Dungeon Defenders' sales were on Steam.
Dead Island developer Techland files to trademark Dead World.
We've studied every frame of GTA V's debut trailer to discover the hidden secrets and possible features on display.
A few storyboard slides for Thief 4 have surfaced on the game's fan forums.
After losing nearly half its workforce, the developer will continue working on its "most requested" next gen game.
The hugely unique point and click adventure is coming out on PlayStation 3, and it'll have a few pretty special features.
Sure, there's a chance you'll be retired by then, but at least we know Capcom's making promises they can keep.
Selling most of its units in North America.
It's finally here. The debut trailer for Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V is now online!
Valve has sent out e-mails to those who signed up for the public beta, leading to speculation that invites will be going out by the end of the week.
Rockstar's flagship series is about to release the trailer for its latest installment!
Tired of Zombies? Well if you are, it seems like you're in the minority.
After a large amount of negative feedback about Origin, especially in Germany, EA issue a statement clarifying their Big Brother practises
Resident Evil: Revelations will cost you a little more than the average handheld game when it comes out next year, costing you $50 instead of $40.
With some players likening EA's Origin service to a trojan, celebrations are had when hackers remove the feature from the game.