Playstation Update 3.73 Available for Download
It doesn't bring anything new and exciting, but update 3.73 brings with it plenty of 'stability'.
It doesn't bring anything new and exciting, but update 3.73 brings with it plenty of 'stability'.
SEGA are re-releasing the Green Hill Zone demo, this time with the modern stage added.
The Italian hero of the Assassin's Creed series may be joining an entirely different fight...
8 Million people, Dice brags in the picture below, is enough people to fill New York City
Mojang wins their legal battle with Bethesda, fans equate it to the fall of the Emperor in Star Wars
The latest promo for the FPS reboot highlights what's actually stayed intact from its tactical forebears.
The Gadget Show has put together an impressive simulator that forces you to move, aim, and shoot just like in real life.
Naughty Dog would rather be working on a new game than produce single-player DLC for Uncharted 3.
The remake of Halo will have support for voice commands and gestures.
Bethesda has no plans to support mods on the console but they're 'looking into it'.
Everyone's favorite xenophobic squadmate will be suiting up for battle with a new look.
This fan video shows off everything that makes Gears great, albeit blockier and tinier.
Capcom has sent along our first glimpse at the trilogy re-release's updated visuals.
Blizzard beckons you to gaze at a couple of screen captures of Diablo III's trailer.
A new trailer of Saints Row the Third parodies the trailers of both Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3.
Contrary to earlier reports, firing a weapon without a flash suppressor will not flag players on the game's mini-map.
While you'd be forgiven for thinking you've traveled back to a mid-eighties Gameranx, complete with LYCRA and the Locomotion, this is very much a news story
Fans may cry as the first three games in the Devil May Cry series are given the extreme HD Collection makeover.
Try not to break down weeping as you watch someone way, way better than you beat the game in under 90 minutes.
Diablo III has been Larped by a bunch of die-hard fans of the game.
Mass Effect and Dragon Age will be released as card decks in the coming month.
The long rumored Mystery Room becomes a Layton Brothers title for the iOS
New screenshots of Skyrim contain a depiction of one of the game's execution moves, and a number of new bad guys.
It wasn't until trying to write this excerpt that I realized how difficult it is to write in a pirate voice.