PS3 Exclusive Tokyo Jungle TGS 2011 Trailer
Tokyo Jungle looks like God of War with wild animals in these new screens and trailer.
Tokyo Jungle looks like God of War with wild animals in these new screens and trailer.
Diablo 3 fans will have an explosion of joy upon seeing this new box art for the game.
A new trailer for the very stylish looking Asura's Wrath keeps us in anticipation for more details.
Keeping in line with its pretty blue packaging for PlayStation 3 titles, the PSVita packaging looks so very blue.
Could the pair of want ads from the developer mean a new Dark Forces game is on the way?
Following last week's leak of the 1.8 files, developer Mojang has made the patch officially available to all players.
Bethesda has released a trailer for next week's fourth and final Fallout: New Vegas DLC, Lonesome Road.
Blizzard has confirmed that the Diablo III in-game auction house and will soon be offering support for PayPal.
The Nintendo Preisdent says Nintendo software on mobile phones is "absolutely not under consideration".
Rockstar's first ever trailer of Max Payne 3 gives us a good taste of the game.
Tecmo Koei surprise announcement of Dead or Alive 5 comes with a debut trailer, made entirely of actual gameplay footage.
Tecmo Koei has made a surprise announcement of Dead or Alive 5, which carries the slogan "I'm a fighter."
Tales of Innocence R will be getting a release on the PlayStation Vita next year, and will be available in playable form at the TGS this year.
It's not the remake you've been hoping for, but we'll take what we can get with Final Fantasy X.
Sony has unveiled two new colors for the PlayStation 3, which will be launching in Japan before the end of the year.
The PlayStation Vita is looking extremely attractive, thanks to its rich launch lineup of games.
Bethesda has posted another tease for next week's Fallout: New Vegas story DLC, Lonesome Road.
The new patch for Minecraft may be one of the biggest, and most important updates for the game to date.
A new video of Saints Row: The Third takes place entirely in the game's Tron-like cyberspace levels.
You'll be able to upgrade your wide array of gear in Skyward Sword with the game's new Upgrade System.
You can pick up a copy of Battlefield 3 Limited Edition at pretty low price right now.
Nintendo has revealed the release date for its cradle attachment, and the games which will support it.
CD Projekt Red has announced a new patch for The Witcher 2 which adds two new gameplay modes and a tutorial.
Double Fine has renamed Trenched to Iron Brigade following the revelation that a board game by the same name already exists.