Fresh Skyrim Details: Difficulty Settings, Button Mapping, and Hours of Music
Bethesda's Pete Hines was busy answering questions on his Twitter account about Skyrim.
Bethesda's Pete Hines was busy answering questions on his Twitter account about Skyrim.
The long-rumored Syndicate reboot has been confirmed to be in development at Starbreeze, featuring the writing talents of Richard Morgan.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution has breached the 2M mark, with sales soaring through the roof.
This newly released trailer from THQ showing off Saint's Row: The Third shows off an insane new setting within the game.
Studio Ghibli's upcoming RPG Ni No Kuni will feature stand-up comedy cutscenes as a part of the game's many features.
You can now slay dragons in Minecraft with this new Skyrim Dragon mod for the game.
Max Payne 3 may be one of the most tragic characters in video games. Here's a shot of him drowning his sorrows.
EA has released a slew of information about the upcoming demo for its latest soccer game, FIFA 12.
Battlefield 3 Guillotine Gameplay Trailer shows amazing night time visuals.
Alan Kertz dishes out a bunch of details regarding Battlefield 3 on twitter.
Take a closer look at the new blond haired character from Resident Evil: Revelations, Rachel.
Leaked Resident Evil Revelations trailer shows why Capcom might infect the series for good.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will give players new incentive to stick to a single weapon thanks to the inclusion of the new Proficiencies feature, which allows players to earn special unlocks for each weapon in their armory. This Modern Warfare 3 Proficiencies Guide will get you up to speed.
Dying in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 can yield new and unexpected benefits, allowing players who die several times in a row to turn the tables on their opponents with the new implementation of Deathstreaks. These Deathstreaks provide the player with a temporary perk, much like Killstreaks, to even the odds.
Max Payne 3 has been confirmed for a March 2012 release by its publisher at Rockstar.
The upcoming DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution will add a whole new layer of depth to the game.
We've compiled a complete guide for killstreaks, with full details of the new Strike Packages in Modern Warfare 3.
New Rage trailer shows co-op gameplay with players protecting the wellspring's water supply.
Modern Warfare 3 comes with a new set of perks that enhance the customizability of your weapons, encouraging you to dedicate an ample amount of time to each weapon in the game's multiplayer modes.
This FIFA 12 Skills Video Guide will enable you to play like the pros. Learn how to perform tricks, dribble, and execute a variety of skilled maneuvers.
Magical ponies may be making an appearance in Blizzard's upcoming Diablo III
You'll soon be able to join in the fun and play Diablo III, according to Blizzard.
It looks like the original Devil May Cry trio is planned for an HD re-release sometime soon.
Steam has been updated with a new feature that allows gamer to trade items from TF2, as well as games, with each other.