Which Version of Deus Ex is Graphically Superior, PS3 or PC?
Gamespy produced a neat little side-by-site clip showing off the new Deus Ex on both platforms. Which turned out to be the prettiest? Why, the PC of course.
Gamespy produced a neat little side-by-site clip showing off the new Deus Ex on both platforms. Which turned out to be the prettiest? Why, the PC of course.
A complete guide on how to unlock all the trophies and achievements in Dead Island.
Check out this unboxing of the collector's edition of Uncharted 3 which consists of a neat chest containing numerous goodies.
Bungie Aerospace is releasing a new Steampunk title for the iPad titled Crimson: Steam Pirates.
GameStop has responded to allegations that it was opening copies of the game to remove a free game code by removing the game from stores.
Bethesda has confirmed same sex marriages in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Valve has confirmed they are refunding those who purchased From Dust on Steam.
Konami has confirmed the PES 2012 demo will see a delay on the Xbox 360.
Microsoft's confirmed they have delayed Kinect Star Wars.
The voice acting in the latest trailer for Sword of the Stars 2 Trailer is, frankly, horrible.
A new gameplay footage video of Guild Wars 2 has been released, featuring 8 minutes of action.
Insomniac Games has said they see the Resistance series being given away to another studio.
SEGA has said the Yakuza series is likely to remain a PlayStation exclusive.
Dante is more of a street brawler in DmC, rather than his old self, Ninja Theory has said.
A direct feed video of Dragon's Dogma, featuring gameplay, has been released.
RAGE will take up 8GB of the PS3's hard drive due to a mandatory installation.
Codemasters, you really don't need to convince us that your developers are badass.
Lets just hope that for all the pretty characters and effects and whatnot, the game is a bit more dynamic than simply pressing forward and X for 40 hours.
Ubisoft has confirmed they are due to drop From Dust's DRM.
EA Sports has confirmed the teams playable in the FIFA 12 demo.
Dragon Age 3 will be a combination between Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, BioWare has said.
Rocksteady has explained why Bruce Wayne won't be included in Batman: Arkham City.
Valve has confirmed they're looking to include cross-platform play with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
A gameplay footage video for Starhawk showcasing its space element has made its way out of gamescom.