RAGE to Take 8GB From PS3 Due to Install
RAGE will take up 8GB of the PS3's hard drive due to a mandatory installation.
RAGE will take up 8GB of the PS3's hard drive due to a mandatory installation.
Codemasters, you really don't need to convince us that your developers are badass.
Lets just hope that for all the pretty characters and effects and whatnot, the game is a bit more dynamic than simply pressing forward and X for 40 hours.
Ubisoft has confirmed they are due to drop From Dust's DRM.
EA Sports has confirmed the teams playable in the FIFA 12 demo.
Dragon Age 3 will be a combination between Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, BioWare has said.
Rocksteady has explained why Bruce Wayne won't be included in Batman: Arkham City.
Valve has confirmed they're looking to include cross-platform play with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
A gameplay footage video for Starhawk showcasing its space element has made its way out of gamescom.
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown announced for XBL and PSN, scheduled to release early 2012.
Another drop in the the ocean of Minecraft mods aims to add the complete menagerie of Pokemon to the blocky world of...blocks.
Guild Wars 2 features many races, and here's how you can design a whole bunch of them!
SuperGiantGames' Bastion has a pretty slick New Game+ Easter Egg.
Gameplay footage of LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 has been unveiled.
A special edition for Saints Row: The Third, entitled the Smooth Criminal Edition, has been unearthed.
Team Ninja has confirmed the exclusion in Ninja Gaiden 3 of one of the most popular features included in its predecessor.
EA's trash talk towards Activision has continued.
Namco Bandai has released a new trailer for Dark Souls.
Aside from all that, it's also one of the best looking 3DS games currently in development.
EA has confirmed they will limit the launch copies for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
A nine minute single player demo footage of Assassin's Creed Revelations has been released.
EA's released the gamescom trailer for Need For Speed World.
The install size for Square Enix's Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the PS3 has been revealed.
EA has said Battlefield 3 doesn't have to outsell Modern Warfare 3 to be a success.