Dragon Age II PC Patch 1.01 Available for Download
Dragon Age II PC Patch 1.01 fixes a few issues plaguing the controversy ridden game since release
Dragon Age II PC Patch 1.01 fixes a few issues plaguing the controversy ridden game since release
A new cinematic of BattleBlock Trailer has finally been released to announce the game.
If you've two hours to spare and wondered what the death scenes in every fighting game looked like, this video will educate you.
Activision's attempt to embroil EA in their lawsuit against former Infinity Ward heads is successful.
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Human Head studios reveals the first teaser trailer for its upcoming fast-paced action game, Prey 2
Fault Line PART II of the Battlefield 3 gameplay series -
Most of the classic games revolve around a large military campaign to conquer an archipelago on a planet in a story set in the distant future.
Prey 2 will be published by Bethesda Softworks for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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Runes of Magic Celebrates their 2nd Anniversary.
Rockstar's upcoming game is said to take roughly the same amount of time to complete as GTA IV and RDR.
A beta patch has been released to addressed at least some of these issues, such as asking for drives that don't exist and problems with save game files on PCs with single core processors.