inFamous 2 Hero Edition Announced
inFamous 2 Collector's Edition a.k.a Hero Edition Detailed
Acer announced their new 3D monitor caled the GN245HQ/
Dragon Age 2's Choose Your Champion trailer will make you feel like a badass by proxy.
HTC's investment of $40 million into OnLive may seem like a huge chunk of change, but it's only the start for the future of cloud gaming.
Developers don't want the current-gen to end anytime soon
T-Mobiles announced that all phones will be free for Valentine's day.
Gameloft may raise more than a few eyebrows with the announcement of its new iOS-bound RTS.
Motorla Xoom tablet comes February 24th with a $800 price tag.
In Shadow Mode, players will be able to square off against custom-built computer controlled opponents whose playstyles are modeled on famous players.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel will take players from the heart of modern day Los Angeles, California to Juarez, Mexico.
Official Announcement for Xperia Play on February 13, at the Mobile World Congress event
Blizzard Entertainment’s sixth BlizzCon gaming celebration to be held at Anaheim Convention Centre October 21-22, 2011
Alan Kertz, senior gameplay designer at DICE/EA reveals interesting details regarding Battlefield 3
Frostbite 2 Engine presentation shows real-time radiosity in-action
Battlefield 3 Info blowout following today's announcement and teaser trailer
Half-Life's seminal gameplay and pacing evolved from 3D Realms' Duke Nukem 3D.