New Batman: Arkham City trailer
A new trailer for Batman: Arkham City has been released.
A new trailer for Batman: Arkham City has been released.
The Killzone 3 demo comes out February 9th for PlayStation Plus members and everyone else 7 days later.
RAGE releases in North America on September 13th, 2011 and September 16, 2011 in Europe.
The Old Republic has its release date moved back to September.
Treyarch fixes a number of issues in Call of Duty: Black Ops with a patch.
The game's director revealed more details about Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Magicka hits Steam today, and promises to deliver the cooperative gameplay you've been yearning for since Diablo II
Silent Hill 8 renamed and brand new screenshots released
THQ reveals minium system requirements for Homefront, supports Windows XP
Portal 2 writer says the PS3 hacks wont have any effect on the game.
Pro gamer consumer lobby group Gamers' Voice will be making a formal complaint over the problems with the PC and PS3 versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops (CODBLOPS). This will be submitted to the relevant government agencies that protect consumer rights in the UK.
Crysis 2 Multiplayer demo will be available for download January 25, only on Xbox Live
L.A. Noire releasing May 17, 2011(US) on the Xbox 360 and PS3
This is a pretty good Half-Life 2 inspired live action short movie.
New Multiplayer gameplay trailer for Crytek's upcoming sequel, Crysis 2
Duke Nukem Forever gets brand new gameplay trailer and a release date, May 3, 2011
There is a satisfactory resolution to the World of Starcraft fiasco.
Steam offering a double discount on the original Deead Space with a preorder of Dead Space 2.