New Final Fantasy Agito XIII details announced
Square Enix reveals new details about Final Fantasy Agito XIII, sorry Final Fantasy Type-0.
Square Enix reveals new details about Final Fantasy Agito XIII, sorry Final Fantasy Type-0.
Six Minute Final Fantasy Versus XIII Trailer is the real deal
Final Fantasy XIII-2 coming to PS3 and 360 in 2011 in Japan
EVE Online to cease support of older CPUs with introduction of new patch.
Infinity Ward community manger weighs in on the PS3 hack and how it has affected the Modern Warfare games.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution producer reveals the length of the game
Kick start your weekend with these brand new screenshots for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Breach has gone gold and will be available for PC and XBLA on January 26th.
The Bulletstorm demo comes to the PSn and Xbox Live on January 25th.
The BBCF reveals that Killzone 3 will ahve over 70 minutes of cutscenes.
A fan video on their opinion of modern Nintendo via the way of David Lynch.
The nominations for the Game Developers Choice Awards have been unveiled.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 domain is registered by a company that has registered domains for Square Enix in the past.
MotorStorm: Apocalypse releasing April 12, 2011 exclusively on the Playstation 3
Shift 2 Unleashed releases March 29, 2011 in the US on Xbox , PC and the PS3
Sony issues restraining order against PS3 hackers.
Blizzard adds a new league for the top StarCraft class called Master.