DC Universe Online beta ends with a BANG
DC Universe Online beta ends with climatic battles before the games goes live on Janurary 11th.
DC Universe Online beta ends with climatic battles before the games goes live on Janurary 11th.
TurboGrafx16 classic games to be released on the PSN.
Rumor on new Infinity Ward made Call of Duty game being a prequel.
THQ and toy maker Mattel come together to make video games.
Ubisoft releases part of its DRM scheme with a whimper.
The Fight Night Champion developers listned to fans regarding the analog stick controls and went back to the drawing board to make them better.
Team Fortress received another patch today regarding exploits.
Eight new Johnny Cash tracks come to Rock Band 3 today.
Morrowind 2011 mod looks gorgeous and is now available for download
Dead Space 1 weapon in Dead Space 2 confirmed.
The Janurary 3rd update included Jason Rohrer anthology.
Angry Bird released on the PSN this week as a PlayStation mini.
The IGF annouces the finalist for its award ceremony on March 2nd at GDC.
The Path of Go was released to XBLA introducing new players to the game.
Atlus reveals Catherine's demo releasing before its Japanese release date, February 17, 2011
The minimum system requirements required to run upcoming heart-pounding horror adventure game, Dead Space 2
DC Universe Online release date announced for US, UK, asia, ps3, pc
Portal 2 will be available for the PlayStation3, Xbox 360, PC and Mac on April 21, 2011.
Xbox 360 explosion video in slow-motion
LittleBigPlanet 2 Beta - Final Fantasy VII Gameplay
Dragon Age 2 lead designer walks us through the combat system in Dragon Age 2
Olivia Munn red rings Xbox's watching Metal Gear Solid cutscenes
Unreal Development Kit update for iOS coming December 16, 2010
New Mario Bros. Movie Trailer shows how it's done