Nintendo Live 2023 Sending Out Activity Registration Emails!
Ready to go down the warp pipe?
Ready to go down the warp pipe?
All thanks to Microsoft’s partnership.
There are a few games we know that could get the spotlight on this Pokemon Presents, but they could announce new ones too.
Fans are still digging through the content to see what was replaced.
Suffice to say, we're not sure this one is a good idea.
It turns out Game Pass is important for third party games under it, not just for everything that Microsoft decides to acquire.
You have to give EA DICE credit for sticking it out to get it right.
Maybe this time Nintendo will get it right in making the Animal Crossing toys right for their fans.
If you were aware that the game was also on GOG, you were one of the lucky ones.
It's easy to see why Microsoft wanted to buy Activision Blizzard.
The Steam Deck didn't even need to cater to online shooter fans to succeed.
Get ready for more action-packed gameplay.
The music of a legendary series in your hands.
A full roster lineup might now be available.
Details are incredibly scarce.
Dedicated to making more?
Stop it or BAN FOREVER!!!
Peter and Miles at your service, for a lower price!
A grim period of our history shaped the story of Death Stranding 2.
One of the worst-kept secrets.