Activision Has Years Worth of Call of Duty Installments Planned Out
We're set through 2027.
We're set through 2027.
It may be inconvenient to play with, but this is a landmark release for people who buy physical for game preservation.
This first update is one of many that will define Forza Motorsport as a racing platform.
Heavily implicit in this announcement is the pending launch of a new platform.
Kostich is implying that the main Call of Duty studios get a lot of freedom in making their games.
Bungie claims they want to use AI in 'reducing toil' for their employees.
Activision is apparently curious about Microsoft's technologies.
Make it sound how you want!
Here's what you need to know.
They're never going to fix this, are they?
Here’s what you need to know.
Yeah, we can tell, Todd
Here’s when you can play the new Assassin’s Creed game.
Listening, but only to a certain extent
Well that escalated quickly.
Here is what games are on their way out the door.
Fans are discussing the possibility of Capcom remaking Resident Evil 5.
There ain't no party like first-party.
Interestingly enough, the web swing assist is at max by default.