Fortnite and Nike Teaming Up For New Event?
We have a bad feeling about this...
Who invited the Mecha Rabbid King Bob-Omb?
Make room and get the game ready for its upcoming launch.
The presentation will focus on what’s to come this year.
Maybe Pikmin 4 can bring back a feature fans noticed were removed from Pikmin 3 when it was ported from Wii U to Switch.
Are Epic Games Store and Steam missing out?
Sony may have made a new localization just for Coded Soul.
There is a chance these art assets are already out there somewhere.
Hopefully, Tindalos can get this game performing up to expectations sooner rather than later.
This might be a good way to entice spending among gamers outside the US.
It will, at least, be set in the middle of the Marathon timeline between games.
Be equal or don't do it at all!
Score some deals on games and DLC.
Get your game downloaded ahead of its launch.
Why just do one thing when you can do more?
Don’t count on any VR peripherals anytime soon.
Don't expect an immediate price increase.
Will they be able to persuade Microsoft?
It's a strange decision but perhaps Sony is just that confident in this game that they don't think it needs it.
It's the Japan - Korea connection you didn't know you wanted.