Breath of the Wild Gets Halloween Fan-Made DLC
Breathe the spooky air!
The singer was only 40 years old.
The vampires are nearly here.
One fashionable foot in front of the other.
Sonic Frontiers Team lead Takashi Iizuka is adamant that Sonic Frontiers is not in any way similar to Nintendo's Breath of the Wild.
Microsoft's investment in all those game studios hasn't paid off yet, but Phil says they will be soon.
These two have been hyped for a while.
The announcement was made on the game's 25th anniversary.
Phil believes subscriptions and the cloud won't be the future of video games - or rather, they won't be the only future.
Infinity Ward has disabled the attachment fine-tuning function of the gunsmith system due to crashes.
2B and 9S were great, but Pascal was a hero too.
Microsoft's digital console is simply better suited to the particular needs of the video game market today.
Here's everything we know about the Razer Edge after it was unveiled recently.
That's right folks more content is being added to Nintendo Switch Online!
Who could have known? Video games are actually cheap compared to any other form of entertainment, like movies.
KOI Tecmo has just released an overview trailer for the upcoming remaster of Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Digital extras have also been revealed.
In its recently released integrated report for 2022, SEGA's CEO spoke about the importance Sonic is to SEGA, revealing 1.5 billion units sold in Sales and Downloads