Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl May Introduce A New Area For Shiny Pokémon
Shiny hunting might be a whole lot easier.
Shiny hunting might be a whole lot easier.
Is the hip-hop artist making music for an upcoming GTA game?
How is Lara Croft celebrating?
It looks incredibly accurate, and fans will be pleased.
No, we're not talking about the 2009 title.
Is this leading to even more console exclusives?
It may be easier to get your hands on a Series X soon.
Head to the Vegas strip once again.
Get ready for more accessible gaming.
It’s the fastest a Resident Evil game has reached the 5 million mark.
Players will be able to vote out griefers.
Let It Die has transformed into a battle royale.
Is February 2022 really the best choice?
Some jerk always ruins it for everyone.
Pyramid Head is getting a little more gross.
World War Z is surprisingly coming to Nintendo Switch.
Which games do you want to see on Nintendo Switch Online?
Another tweak based on the lifepath player's pick.
An inside look at what sales will pop up for Steam.