Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain’s 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series
Celebrate the 10 years of Heavy Rain with this new video series
Celebrate the 10 years of Heavy Rain with this new video series
Excited for the Nintendo Switch remaster?
You planning on jumping into the Greymoor DLC?
This is good on Naughty Dog.
The author behind the game has a new project reveal coming tomorrow.
Enjoy something new to play this weekend.
Help support the civil rights movement.
Developers really put a lot of thought into mission creation.
Who's excited for this update?
Wow, this was unexpected!
So many good titles on sale!
A new location may be inbound for Far Cry.
This will be Naughty Dog's biggest accesible game to date!
Advancements being made for sound quality.
Johan Renck will be directing the first episode.