Reclaim Earth From Mutated Dinosaurs in Second Extinction Announcement Trailer
You have my attention.
You have my attention.
You’ll still have the ability to enjoy Destiny 2 with the release of the next-gen consoles.
Looks like we may have a little wait before our next big adventure.
This was a standout reveal from the show!
Full reveal coming next month.
Get ready for a new psychological horror game.
Take another look into the world of Valhalla.
A new trailer dropped during Inside Xbox stream.
Airbender is the best!
Creative Director for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla has taken to twitter to remind gamers that the world premiere gameplay event will be going down this week!
Launches next month!
Make sure to check out Life is Strange Season 2 if you haven't yet!
Find out how developers crafted up the next installment to The Dark Pictures Anthology.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a must play!
We will still receive a Call of Duty installment this year.
Customization will go really in-depth.
Disregard in-game messages.
Mortal Kombat 11 spoilers ahead.
More games planned for Nintendo Switch as well.