A Complete Guide to the Final Fantasy 14: Make it Rain Campaign
Everything you need to know about the Final Fantasy 14: Make it Rain Campaign.
Everything you need to know about the Final Fantasy 14: Make it Rain Campaign.
Yelan is a Hydro bow-user in Genshin Impact and one of the five-star characters with a timed banner. She can double as both a DPS and support for your team and can easily apply Hydro damage to enemies. Yelan, like many characters needs a large list of materials to make powerful, as you both need …
How to build Yelan as a DPS. and as a support character.
While each mission in Sniper Elite 5 comes with a main objective to complete, each one also comes with several Optional Objectives. These side missions can provide you with rewards and are tied to the “No Stone Unturned” achievement, which you complete upon completing all of them. On our journey, to that achievement, let’s begin …
As you make your way through the missions of Sniper Elite 5, you can come across several other Starting Locations that allow you to begin a given mission from a different angle. These are known as Starting Locations, and you will need to find them in order to use these other Starting Locations in new …
Want to know how to disable the new Souls-like invasion system?
All of the achievements meant only for the most elite snipers.
Dreadstone Peak is one of the toughest areas in Salt and Sacrifice but we'll help you navigate it and find the Named Mages therein.
Giving yourself the gift of hidden collectibles.
Stock up on all the currency you need with these easy tips.
Can't find Bird Sprouts? Need more Bush Bugs? Here's where to find every ingredient in the game.
Need more storage space? Here's how to get it.
Where to find all the Witch Chalk you need for free.
Chapter 6 sees your collecting your last Artifacts in the Land of the Dead.
A valuable resource for crafting your way to the top.
When you reach Corvius Mire in Salt and Sacrifice, your first priority is going to be finding and killing the Named Mages of the area.