Monster Hunter Stories 2: How To Counter Every Large Monster | Weaknesses & Attack Patterns List
Conquer every single monster in MHS2 with our complete battle weaknesses rundown.
Conquer every single monster in MHS2 with our complete battle weaknesses rundown.
Wipe entire mobs of enemies with any weapon. You just need the right Weapon Mod.
Get a colorful doggo companion with this free MHS2 update.
Take aim and win the shooting game for a big Easter egg prize.
Give the Tin Man a heart with every step of the Mauer Der Toten Easter egg quest.
There's only one way to get the best possible Monsties in MHS2.
Grab big rewards from DJ Bunny's hidden nightclub.
Get the most powerful gun in Mauer Der Toten for free with this secret method.
Get an AI companion and turn him into an unstoppable zombie killing machine with these steps.
Need more Bottle Caps? Here's how to get more caps faster.
Power up for a long night in Berlin.
Here's your quiz cheat sheet.
When Gold isn't good enough, you need Rainbow Eggs.
Be the best Monstie you can be with Gene Channeling.
Need more hearts? No problem! Here's how to get plenty of revival items.
Find all the rarest of the rare Royal Monsters.
Earn an endless stream of free treasure by expanding your Expeditions.
Make exploration easier with this useful Rider Ability.
Here's what we wish we knew earlier.
Don't miss out on this free Monster Hunter Rise outfit.
Start the grind right away with this handy demo exp and zenny method.
Celebrate Pokemon GO's 5th Anniversary with a special Pikachu.
Unleash the Mega Power of your Pokemon with these temporary evolutions.