Darksiders 3: All Human Collectibles Locations | ‘Humanitarian’ Guide
Be a good 'Humanitarian' in Darksiders 3 -- here's where to find all 20 hidden human rescue collectibles.
Be a good 'Humanitarian' in Darksiders 3 -- here's where to find all 20 hidden human rescue collectibles.
Earn the Mysterious Stone Sigil and fight an optional boss battle in Darksiders 3 with this hidden achievement / trophy guide.
Fully upgrade your preferred weapons in Darksiders 3 with these extremely rare Adamantine Chunk locations.
Escape to a secluded Solo Lobby in Red Dead Online with this extremely simple trick. Here's what you need to know.
To fully upgrade your enhancements and get the best boosts for your slotted weapons, you’ll need to find rare (and limited) ‘Essence Of A Chosen’ in Darksiders 3. There are only six locations in the game, and getting them usually requires fighting a miniboss enemy in an optional area. Here, we’re going to break down …
Want to fish in the safety of your very own camp? You'll need to use a tricky method, but you can get your camp to spawn by the sea and fish without fear. Here's how it works.
Everything is more expensive in Red Dead Online, from the clothes you wear, to the weapons you need for those day-to-day missions. You’ll need to spend cash on food for yourself, and food for your horse — there’s so much to spend money on, and not enough ways to earn it. You can run low …
If you’ve ever played Grand Theft Auto Online, then you’ll know that players absolutely love killing each other. Basically every stranger you encounter will (probably) try to kill you. The same holds true in Red Dead Online. The map might be huge, and there are only a limited number of other players, but you can …
Red Dead Online is extremely stingy with cash. Here's how you can earn a boatload very early and get a headstart on the competition.
Discover a loophole in Red Dead Redemption 2. There's a single hidden stable where even legendary horses will spawn. Here's where to find (and steal) any horse in the game.
Free Pokemon, trades and other item gift locations.
Here's a complete breakdown of the Pokemon Go Park.
Our complete list of walkthrough, cheats, location guides and more for Fallout 76.
Want to know what's new in Red Dead Online? Here's everything we've learned so far playing through Rockstar's massive open-world online experience.
Expand the map and make the Area 51 zone roomier -- here's the secret technique to delete random chunks of debris blocking off parts of Groom Lake.
One of the coolest new weapons in Fallout 76 is the Dragon -- a black powder rifle with four barrels. It's totally unique to the region, and it's also very hard to find.
Hunt down a rogue's gallery of mythical monsters in Fallout 76. Here's how to find the Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster, the Wendigo, and more.
Discover a recurring Easter egg weapon in Fallout 76 with these steps. We'll explain how to actually load the weapon, too.
Track down one of the hardest recipes to unlock in Fallout 76. Here's how to complete an extremely hard-to-complete non-quest, which leads to the Nuka Cola Power Armor skin.
Unlock an entire arsenal of unique weapons in Fallout 76. Here's how you can track down special legendary weapons in the West Virginia wasteland.
Join the (robotic) community in Fallout 76. Here's where you'll find the many different factions of the West Virginia wasteland.
Upgrade your Fallout 76 fashion with these unique armor / apparel locations. Even in the post-apocalypse, you'll still want to look your very best.
Track down three additional hidden vaults in Fallout 76 before they've officially opened.
Earn unique melee weapons for multiplayer when you complete your singleplayer letter collections. Here's where to find all the letters in Battlefield 5.