Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Walkthrough | Chapter 8 Partners
Everything you need to know when it comes to Chapter 8 Partners in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Everything you need to know when it comes to Chapter 8 Partners in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Naughty Dog are known for their Easter eggs, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has a bunch. There are Last of Us references, mountain yoga exercises, and more games of Marco Polo. Long-running Easter eggs continue, and brand new ones surface — and we’re going to show you how to find them all. It’s all very …
There are a total of 24 gun types in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. For shooting every single one at least once, you’ll earn the “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum” trophy. Using them all is incredibly easy — if you unlock the bonus Weapon Select menu. It’s all very easy, and using the Weapon Select will …
Everything you need to know when completing chapter 7 The Lost Legacy. Puzzles, battles and more!
If you're lucky enough to get your hands on a SNES Classic, Star Fox 2 isn't unlocked naturally. Here's how to play it.
There's more than one way to get into the Call of Duty: WW2 console beta. Here's how to get in.
Bring down Dr. Babylon once and for all in the final episode of Agents of Mayhem.
Everything you need to know to complete Chapter 6 The Gate Keeper.
Enjoy all the benefits of Observer on PC with this quick config fixes -- remove blurriness, skip intros, unlock FPS and more.
The last lieutenant in Dr. Babylon's army is waiting in Episode 6 of Agents of Mayhem. Here's how to beat Ariadne, the toughest boss in the game so far.
Steeltoe's mad bride Red Aisha will stop at nothing to take down the ARK. Defeat her (and a giant, rampaging robot) in Episode 5 of Agents of Mayhem.
Chloe and Nadine faces a new challenge.
Chloe and Nadine find that they must explore three ancient fortresses.
Planning on checking out the enhanced graphics and audio in StarCraft: Remastered? Don't forget about the cheat codes!
There’s one cool feature you might not know about in StarCraft: Remastered. With the press of a button — or a trip to the options menu, you can instantly swap between old and new graphics. If you bought StarCraft: Remastered, and don’t think it looks like much of an improvement — prepare to get your …
Revisit this awesome secret level hidden in StarCraft: Brood War and learn the origin of future StarCraft 2 plot developments. Here's how to unlock it.
Stop Steeltoe's scheme to combine with a K-Pop Idol in Episode 4 of Agents of Mayhem.
Unlock the story-telling ninjitsu powers of Scheherazade in Agents of Mayhem with our last mandatory Special Episode walkthrough.
Here's how to get the Your Prize trophy and a Chloe yoga Easter Egg.
Chloe and Nadine enters their first heavy firefight.
A clear line is drawn between Asav and Chloe.
Make your way through the insurgency to meet up with Nadine.
Foil August Gaunt's evil plot to mind-control the masses with our complete Episode 3 walkthrough for Agents of Mayhem.
Complete this mandatory special episode to unlock the minigun-wielding, rollerblade-wearing Daisy in Agents of Mayhem.