Live A Live Sets Up the “Near Future” Storyline In New Trailer
Can you undo a kidnapping?
Can you undo a kidnapping?
As the age of online gaming hit, virtual marketplaces came to be a main avenue for purchasing games. Both the Wii U and 3DS let users use the Nintendo eShop to buy games. Sadly though, you can no longer use your credit or debit card to make purchases. As of right now, there is a …
It was all part of the company's plans.
Check out these incredible games.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is set to be the latest installment in what fans know as the Xeno franchise of games. These titles are all Japanese RPGs that have managed to find themselves to be among the most popular in the genre. Players take on the role of a protagonist who is destined to save the …
This game should be a ton of fun!
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is set to be one of the biggest titles being released for the Nintendo Switch this year. The game went into development shortly after Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country went gold back in 2018. Now that it’s almost done, will fans be able to play the beloved Japanese RPG …
That is a massive list!
A new Nintendo Switch 2D action game for us to feast into? Yes please.
Fall Guys have become one of the most popular titles to jump into within the last year and that’s due to its fun charm, addicting mini-games, and it’s battle royale format. Since its debut release on Sony’s PS5, the game has gone on to garner a huge following. Now it seems that Fall Guys might …
The handheld console is now the fourth best-selling home console of all time in the U.S.
The first 3D Kirby game is coming to the subscription service next week.
70% of EA's income is from live stream titles.
The JRPG was released worldwide in March 2022.
Let’s rewind the clocks back to 2016. The Wii U was failing, hard, and many wondered whether Nintendo had “any tricks left” in their quiver in order to bounce back. Some even said that the Big N might just go and do software titles from then on much like SEGA had done after the failure …
Can we expect Game Boy titles soon?
"There is no end in sight"
Maybe the chip shortage will be better by that point, but it's not looking good.
Nintendo Switch continues to perform outstandingly in the global market.