Is The Pokemon Company Teasing An Upoming Pokemon Legends Z-A Announcement?
Please let this be real!!!
Please let this be real!!!
Rayquaza debuted on Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance
Is it random or already predetermined?
Get ready to open up more booster packs!
Here's a chance to earn a full art Venusaur card.
Here's what you need to know!
The Pokemon Company and DENA have a winner here.
Hope Your Team Is Ready!
Music Videos Seem To Be Popular With This Franchise....
Don't ever doubt Japanese developers!
Pocketpair also seems to have been sufficiently chastened from trying to rally outside support.
It's an interesting explanation of how things are different in the US and Japan.
This canceled Project will be hard to Swallow.
We hope Nintendo can secure the safety of these developers immediately.
It sounds nice...if it's real...