Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Won’t Feature “Classic” Minigame
No snowboarding for you!
It's not the most anticipated Final Fantasy game right now, but it would be poetic if it came true.
There's a focus on quality titles rather than quantity.
These companies were compelled to pledge, from a real moral imperative to help.
Sometimes, quality is the most important thing.
Mo'jobs, mo'problems.
They may not all come at the same time, but longtime fans know Yoshida's word stands for something.
You will cry, apparently.
AI and other cutting-edge technologies will play a role.
The most confident he's ever been?
They're not being subtle, that's for sure.
More story-focused side quests are inbound.
How long will you push things?
This is par for the course for PlayStation Plus I guess.
Time to wrap up the collection!
An industry insider made a new bold statement.