Could We Get Another Final Fantasy VII Movie Or A TV Series?
Would you be interested in a FF7 adaptation?
Would you be interested in a FF7 adaptation?
Can your PC run it?
There’s a lot of hype, and a lot of pressure, for Nintendo’s next console.
Are we really surprised, though?
Yeah...about that...
It does seem that Square Enix will earn that Steam Deck verification soon.
How did you enjoy Dragon Quest III HD-2D remake?
Help the children...
Yes, it was an intentional scene they made!
Finishing up strong.
And then what next? Various Daylife?
He wants to bring the full trilogy to Microsoft's platform.
It's an RPG, go and have fun in it!
Oh, and Part 3 will be easier to Platinum!
Well...umm...he succeeded!
Surprised? We are!
A certain producer would like to think so.
The story is done, and now...we end it.
Some big upgrades went down here.
We might have seen the "final" exclusivity release.