Final Fantasy XIV Screenshots Tease Final Fantasy XVI Crossover
Yes, you can still pet Torgal.
Yes, you can still pet Torgal.
Visions of Mana is an action RPG with a semi-open world and a linear story. It will release in Summer 2024
Square Enix decided on when to release this, but they're not telling.
It was a funny statement but also rarely brave.
We'll find out in the next few days if Square Enix has done enough to fix the game to match expectations.
Square Enix and Microsoft make a plum deal to do business.
Getting a Game of the Year for free is a deal you can't pass up.
Players want to suffer, apparently.
Things are starting to sound a little monotonous.
Queen's Blood is giving Gwent a run for its money.
We'd like that too, but let the man catch up on sleep first.
The entirety of Eorzea awaits.
Ready to ride a rocket
Could another strategy be on the way?
Time to finalize the fantasy that this game was perfect at launch.
The path stops here?
One last thank you...
What makes this really surprising is that Final Fantasy XVI made it look like Square Enix figured all of this out.
Of course they were going to focus on that.
Taking a look back before moving forward.
This was Shinra's doing, wasn't it?
Get ready for a lengthy gameplay experience. just want to see where things lead!