For A Limited Time, Link From The Legends of Zelda Is On Google Maps
Google is providing a Link to the present with this new Street View icon.
Google is providing a Link to the present with this new Street View icon.
It's like 2002 all over again.
Series director talks art style and fan reaction.
Also: find out what the Gamepad will be able to do with this shiny new version of Twilight Princess.
The 2006 game's visuals look better than expected.
Nintendo shared a new timetable for upcoming game releases for Wii U and 3DS, and Zelda Wii U seems still slated for a 2016 release.
Better handling, better swimming, and what's this about chests?
The concept Midna doesn't hide its Majora's Mask influence very well.
One small change enabled by the Gamepad makes a huge difference in how you play the game.
Wii U is certainly seeing a lot of action in the rereleases front.
Updated release includes amiibo support.
Imagine if this twist is anything as crazy and game defining as the time turning in Majora's Mask.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will include some digital costume changes for the main characters.
eShop titles and icons appear to confirm the game.
As long as you know other 3DS owners, you can play Tri Force Heroes off of one copy.
Ah, the silver rupee. An elusive color in the Legend of Zelda rupee spectum.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask lantern to light your path.
Being pushed back to NX?
Here's what a next-gen Zelda game might look like.
Not sure which version you want to get? We run down the differences between what the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS versions have to offer.
EAD developer Takashi Tezuka explained that it would be difficult for them to create something like it for Zelda.
Triforce Heroes combined coop multiplayer with the 2D/3D switching mechanic.