Pokemon Legends ZA Announced During Pokemon Presents
A legend finally gets told...again.
A legend finally gets told...again.
No word if a new Pokemon game is to be announced, but you never know.
Next stop, Empire State Building!
Ready to get some more spirits?
Nintendo and The Pokemon Company may be seriously planning for litigation against Pocketpair.
Gotta Catch'em All...Because They're Unique?
Let's hope they mean it!
There would actually be good reasons for The Pokemon Company not to pursue legal action even if Pocketpair is proven to have ripped them off.
The OG Meeting Of Legends
These companies were compelled to pledge, from a real moral imperative to help.
And it all starts with a Mystery Gift...
It's still rather celestial
Ready to go back to school?
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is in an odd place at the release of its latest DLC.
A legendary DLC awaits!
Can something like this truly last forever?