Composer Jesper Kyd Talks Assassin’s Creed Franchise
The man behind the music
Freedom, it's all about freedom.
The Oskoreia Festival returns today.
More than ever, it’s important for video game developers to come out and support those with disabilities that cause them to have issues playing video games. Or, more accurately, have trouble playing it in the “standard ways.” Whether through their vision or hearing, the gamer’s experience can be hampered if either is impaired. With Mario + …
Ubisoft Director David Grivel has announced that he will be leaving the Ubisoft Toronto Studio.
Ready or not, here they come.
Here's what we know so far.
Get ready for a new action-adventure gameplay experience.
Everything we know about the setting so far.
A brand new adventure begins!
It's set to give more control to others.
But who voted for Far Cry 6 as GOTY?
Rgistrations for the game's closed playtest are now open.