Assassin’s Creed Origin’s Xbox One Install Size Revealed
Got enough space?
It will be available as a free update to existing GR:WL players.
Explore ruined Manhattan this weekend.
Dodge ghouls and ghosts in World 3: Spooky Trails of Mario + Rabbids and collect tons of collectibles with these treasure chest locations.
The opera-singing Phantom sings a death knell in Mario + Rabbids. Here's how to handle the boss (and the midboss) for World 3: Spooky Trails.
Supersized. Super-powered. Super cool.
Expect new content end of month.
Developers unveil new exciting Assassin's Creed Origins gameplay footage.
Dive into the first five hours of Tom Clancy's open-world shooting.
Check your inbox to see if you have been selected.
Edit your existing character with Ubisoft's upcoming update.
Will you and your friends be returning to Watch Dogs 2?
Detection and gameplay bug fixes included in this latest update.
Ubisoft is tired of the open-world staple.
This has a ton of potential!
These are welcomed fixes!
Ubisoft axes the minimap.
The team still has 8 months till release, however.
How are you liking Assassin's Creed: Origins so far?