Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Receive New Open Beta Trailer; Start Dates Revealed
Join in on the fun starting next week!
Join in on the fun starting next week!
For Honor (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is Ubisoft's attempt at brutal realistic multiplayer warrior combat. Is it worth all the hype it's been getting? Jake breaks it down.
Will you be picking up Rayman Legends on the Switch?
Were you one of the hacking and slashing players?
Ubisoft has also announced the original series crew will also be playable.
For Honor (PS4, Xbox One, PC) is the latest Ubisoft action game releasing soon. Will it be any good? Here's what you need to know.
We could be seeing this game as late as March 31, 2018
Anything catch your eyes?
No plans for release at the moment.
The $40 pass comes with six new heroes that will be available seven days before they are released for everyone else.
For Honor open beta kicks off early February.
Operation Velvet Shell focuses on a Spanish special forces group.
Ubisoft is redeeming itself!
Any of these titles catch your interest?
Which platform will you get the game on?
Will launch simultaneously across all platforms.
Who will claim NYC for good?
Interested in either of them?
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Raid the WarrenGate Power Plant in The Division for the latest and greatest loot farming exploit.
For Honor is expected to release this Valentine's Day, but registered players have a chance to try it out early through its closed beta.
Check out the latest trailer for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
Get a glimpse at "the ghosts" in live-action.
Nine Assassin's Creed titles up for grabs.
The empire strikes back.