Watch Dogs 2 Story Trailer Introduces the Dedsec Crew
"People, they don't care how it works... only that it does."
"People, they don't care how it works... only that it does."
Ubisoft is working on a few projects for the upcoming Nintendo console.
The Crew is free in Ubisoft's Uplay store for the month.
Check out Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection.
Ubisoft has also delayed a livestream event where it was going to discuss update 1.4.
Are you interested in a second season pass?
Ubisoft takes you on a tour-de-force around parts of Watch Dogs 2's San Francisco.
The latest season of Rainbow Six: Siege is kicking off.
Ubisoft feels that there's just not enough interest in these two video games.
For Honor classes and factions broken down at this year's Gamescom.
Find out when you can pick up Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within, and Star Trek: The Bridge Crew.
Join forces to save South Park December 6th.
Famous assassin's to be present from past game installments?
This parody of Oculus Rift brings the smelly reality of The Fractured But Whole straight to the gamer.
Rainbow Six: Patriots was set to be story-driven.
PS4 players can finally catch up with the rest of the community.
The new Rainbow Six Siege map arrives on August 2nd.
On August 2nd, the Favela map takes Siege to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
There's a catch, you have to complete the demo with no more than fifteen faults.
The last DLC in the Anno 2205 season pass schedule, pushing the boundaries of space colonization even further.
Professional Swedish skier Matilda Rapaport died after an avalanche happened while filming in the Andes Mountains.
Here's how the ban hammer will work in Rainbow Six Siege.
"NPD’s Digital Games Tracking Service is the first service to provide the U.S. gaming industry with publisher-sourced data on digital game sales"
Will video game film adaptations become as successful as superhero films?