Watch Dogs 2 Will Nix AR Mini Games
It is unsure if Ubisoft will replace these AR mini games with something else.
It is unsure if Ubisoft will replace these AR mini games with something else.
Enjoy the original 2002 Splinter Cell all over again.
Pick up the video game now for consoles and PC.
Missed the Ubisoft E3 conference? Catch the latest For Honor trailer right here.
Ubisoft's new IP is an open world action sports game.
E3 gameplay footage posted online.
The next South Park video game is coming out December 6th of this year.
The Division's First Expansion arrives June 28th for Xbox One and PC, August 2nd for PS4.
What ever happened to predictability—the milkman, the paperboy, evening tv?
The sequel to 2014's Watchdogs has been revealed by Ubisoft.
For now take a look at this short Watch Dogs 2 teaser.
There's now a card game based on Ubisoft's rabbids.
It appears the latest 1.2 update patch to The Division has yet again broken the game.
New gear sets, missions, weapons, and more!
The Division’s Conflict update will be available on May 24 for all systems.
Next week, The Division's new incursion will bring new weapons, gear sets, and gameplay modes.
“Everybody expects that this movie will continue.”
Ubisoft's annual finance report provides a look forward into Ubisoft's future - and it includes a new AAA IP and Watch Dogs 2.
Two new operators available for Season Pass owners on May 11, and on May 18 with renown or Rainbow Six Credits.
Graffiti is more than just a tag.
Ubisoft is bringing out the big ban-hammer.
The company could trigger a takeover bid if it inceases its stake to 30%.
The Division's network model isn't unique but it is problematic in a multiplayer game.
After three years, Ubisoft and Patrice Désilets have made an agreement on the rights to 1666 Amsterdam.